Thursday, 14 January 2010

!3th January Beautiful wood

As mentioned in my Anglesey Arts and Crafts blog, we came across this beautiful piece of wood yesterday.



My daughter also spotted this little part of a babbling stream in the middle of what was the snow covered side of a mountain.


Tuesday, 12 January 2010

January 11th Dreadlock sheep

Our wanderings took us down a little lane I know, where some people keep peacocks, our luck was in and the peacocks were out as you can see. Plus these gorgeous sheep were also being moved lol.




Monday, 11 January 2010

10th Jan Bitterly cold day in the mountains

On Sunday we went off for a photo session in the mountains, we were all shocked at how bitterly cold it was up there. It was frozen fingers within a couple of mins.

The first photo is of one of the wild mountain goats that roam free in the mountains.


Looking across Lake Ogwen towards the mountains, I think I need to look up taking photo's of snow, I'm not happy with the blue hue of the photo's lol


This last one I like, because of the shine on the discs against the matt of the mountains and fence.
