Friday, 8 January 2010

January 8th Almost got stuck

Yesterday my daughter and I took a little back lane, and almost got stuck on a steep road, but all turned ok in the end, and by going down this little road I got what I think is the best photo yet with my new camera :o)

I almost missed this beauty sitting on the wall as we drove along !! My best photo so far I think :o)


Along the same lane, is a huge private lake with the Snowdonia mountains in the background, which are all solid pure white now.


This last photo is one I took a couple of days ago, not sure why it appeals to me but it does.


Tuesday, 5 January 2010

January 5th Jack Frost hits

Seeing as there was a good frost yesterday, we set off looking for photo's frost encrusted little gems.
My daughter managed to get the bst photo yet of a little robin.
This piece of rope caught my eye.
A lonely little pansy in my garden, with a sprinkling of frost on it.